Selected prints from personal practice:
Sacrament (drypoint)
Oak (linocut on hand made felt)
Tears of Sorrow (linocut and etch)
Joyful Mysteries: Annunciation (linocut and collagraph)
Pool (linoetch)
Sorrowful Mysteries (linocut, ash and oil)
For M (silkscreen on handkerchief)
Sight for Sore Eyes (blind emboss linocut)
Elder (wood lithograph)

Prints from Community work and teaching (n.f.s):
Women and Peace Bradford - Linocut
Women and Peace Bradford - Linocut
Henshaws, NC - collagraph
Henshaws, RJ - linocut
Henshaws, JH - linocut
Henshaws, AM - collagraph
Adult education, - drypoint and chine colle
Adult education, - drypoint
Adult education, - linocut

For further community projects, see Community page and
Also other pages for more personal practice. If you are interested in a print workshop please email